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What it is
Provide technical expertise of exhibit design for different animal species based on natural behaviors and requirements. Management of exhibit animals (welfare, nutrition and enrichment) and health monitoring.
How we do it
- We inspect the existing exhibits or the proposed place for exhibits using a quick scan approach and provide written excerpts of our findings and discuss with the management.
- We undertake the careful design of the exhibit with the selected architecture and discuss the plans with management before implementation
- Perform environmental management system auditing for the entire facility and propose areas for continuous improvement to keep you on the ahead of the times.
Benefits to You
- Your facility will get a chance towards international recognition of promoting animal welfare and in-situation conservation through our promotions and networks
- Your facility will become a one stop centre for educational purposes by using the strategies we would have developed for you.
- Design and updates of operational protocols which means you will be at the forefront of innovation and thus saving time, energy and money.
Proof That We Produce Results
Case Study - Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary |